AEM High Output IGBT Inductive Smart Coil, 103 mJ, (30-2853)

AEM High Output IGBT Inductive Smart Coil, 103 mJ,  (30-2853)

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Limited Offer

Price:  NZD $139.80  NZD $132.81  (inclds GST)

Quantity in stock More than 5 item(s).

Generally Overnight Delivery with Courier Post

AEM’s High-Output Inductive Coils each deliver over 100mJ of spark energy and a minimum of 40,000 Volts—as much as most CDI systems, without the need for a CDI module! They also provide very long spark duration at full energy, unlike CDI systems and multiple spark systems which fire off small spark events prior to and after their CDI burst to mimic longer spark duration.

  • Massive Spark Energy, up to 103 mJ
  • Incredibly long spark duration, up to 2.9mS
  • Up to 40kV Output Voltage, without using a CDI
  • Deliver CDI-like spark energy—No CDI Module needed
  • Cost less than aftermarket LS1 coils
  • Can be mounted almost anywhere
  • Weather and Shockproof design
  • Can be mounted directly to the Engine



  • Output (no load): 40kV minimum
  • Output (50pF load): 40kV +/- 10%
  • Output Energy: 103 mJ +/- 7%
  • Peak Secondary Current: 102 mA +/- 10%
  • Arc Duration: 2.9mS +/- 10%
  • Turns Ratio 71:1
  • Maximum Current: 19 Amps
  • Maximum Battery Voltage: 17 Volts
  • Base Dwell: 3.0 mS
  • Max Continuous Dwell: 9 mS but don’t exceed 40% duty cycle
  • Max Intermittent Dwell: 80% duty cycle, 5 seconds maximum
  • Mating Connector: Packard/Delphi 12162825 “Pull to Seat”
  • Mating Contacts: Packard/Delphi 12124075 “Pull to Seat”
  • High Tension Wire Terminal: HEI “spark plug top” Style