Davies Craig, Ford Coyote EWP Block Adapter Kit, DC-8660

Davies Craig, Ford Coyote EWP Block Adapter Kit, DC-8660

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Price:  NZD $170.32 (inclds GST)

Quantity in stock 2 item(s) available.

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DPR7EA-9, 5129

NZD $5.08 (inclds GST)

The Davies, Craig EWP® Coyote Block Adapter has been designed for use with EWP® Electric Water Pumps and Davies, Craig Thermatic® Fans to replace your belt-driven mechanical fan and pump. This enables you to replace your existing belt-driven, mechanical water pump on Ford Coyote V8 engines.

Note: This block adapter plate is designed to fit in place of the original belt driven Mechanical Water Pump. Upon removing the Mechanical Water Pump, you will need to ensure that you have the correct sized belt for reconfiguration.