Davies Craig, Big Block, Ford 429-460 EWP Pump Adapter Kit, Black, DC-8631

Davies Craig, Big Block, Ford 429-460 EWP Pump Adapter Kit, Black, DC-8631

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Price:  NZD $170.32 (inclds GST)

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The Ford Big Block 429-460 EWP® Block Adapter is designed in conjunction for use with EWP® electric water pumps to replace your existing belt-driven, mechanical water pump on Ford Big Block 429 & 460 engines. Further, if your belt-driven, mechanical water pump has a mechanical fan, you will need to replace it with a Davies Craig Thermatic Fan.

The Davies, Craig EWP® block adapter which has been designed for use with EWP® electric water pumps, parts #8025, 8040 or 8060 and combo kits, parts #8030, 8050 or 8070) to replace your existing belt-driven, mechanical water pump on Ford Big Block 429 & 460 engines. Further, if your belt-driven, mechanical water pump has a mechanical fan, you will need to replace it with a Davies Craig Thermatic Fan.

If you’ve purchased one of the EWP® electric water pump combo kits, then your EWP/fan digital controller has a built-in thermal switch that will control an Electric Thermatic fan in unison with your new Electric Water Pump. Details relating to the most suitable Davies, Craig thematic fan for your vehicle are listed on the Davies, Craig website.