Davies Craig, LS Series, EWP Block Apater Kit, Suits GM Gen III & IV SB, DC-8670

Davies Craig, LS Series, EWP Block Apater Kit, Suits GM Gen III & IV SB, DC-8670

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Price:  NZD $362.80 (inclds GST)

Quantity in stock 5 item(s) available.

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The Davies, Craig EWP® General Motors LS Block Adapter which has been designed for use with EWP® Electric Water Pumps to replace your existing belt-driven, mechanical water pump on GM LS Series engines.

Davies, Craig Pty Ltd announces the arrival of its New Plug and Play innovative Remote Electric Water Pump (EWP®) Block Adapter to suit the General Motors LS Series family of engines.

This Adapter will supersede Part #8650 as it offers superior fitment options including:

  • Ability to fit/located the EWP on the left or right side of the engine thus accommodating different engine configurations.
  • Fitment to engines with Air Conditioning systems.

These iconic V8 engines are fast becoming the engine of choice for their lightweight and power. Now, the addition of the Davies Craig  Electric Water Pump Block-Adapter Kit, coupled to one of the EWP®115, or EWP®130 or the EWP®150 Electric Water Pump Combo Kit will free up the parasitic power loss inherent with mechanical water pumps!

Your Block Adapter is designed to replace the belt-driven mechanical water pump and thermostat to complement the installation of Davies Craig remote-mounted Electric Water Pump (EWP®).

Suitable for most 3rd and 4th Generation GM Small Block Engines Including LSX


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