Davies Craig, Small Block, Ford Windsor, Early EWP Water Pump Adapter, DC-8640

Davies Craig, Small Block, Ford Windsor, Early EWP Water Pump Adapter, DC-8640

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Price:  NZD $126.92 (inclds GST)

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The Davies, Craig Ford Windsor Early EWP® Block Adapter has been designed for use with EWP® Electric Water Pumps and Davies, Craig Thermatic® Fans to replace your belt-driven mechanical fan and pump on Ford Windsor V8 engines.

The Ford small-block (aka Windsor V8) is a series of 90° overhead valve small block.... What Ford engines are small block? Small Block Ford V8 engines popularly include the 260, 289, 302, and 351 cubic inch engines.

The Block Adapter Kit for Windsor Engine is designed to fit onto the Ford timing covers:

Model Year:
1966 to 1984, 255, 289, 302, 351W
1966 to 1993, 260, 289, 302, 351W

This design may suit alternate Windsor models, please review the below image.