Davies Craig, Alloy Straight, Push On Adaptor, 19mm, DC-1028

Davies Craig, Alloy Straight, Push On Adaptor, 19mm, DC-1028

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Price:  NZD $31.13 (inclds GST)

Quantity in stock 4 item(s) available.

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The Davies Craig Alloy Adaptor can be used with the EWP80 & EWP130 on its own. It can also be used with the EWP115 & EWP150 (Alloy DC-8040, DC-8060, DC-8160) however to make it work you must use Part No.1025 first. By screwing part 1025 AN-16 Male end into the Alloy pumps you can then fix the DC-1028 sandwiching the two together..

Ideal for fitment to either the inlet or outlet of your EWP, this Adaptor offers greater flexibility and assists with more position options when fitting a Davies Craig Electric Water Pump to your vehicle. The use of this adaptor will increase the number of positioning opportunities and assist you to maintain unrestricted coolant flow.

Push-On Alloy Adaptor 19mm (¾")
O-Ring     1